We are all individually impacted by the global economic turbulence surrounding us.
Credit has tightened, prices are higher and overall market confidence is diminished.
However, we thought you might appreciate some perspective about how Nearterm is doing. The short answer is we are doing great! Our revenues are strong, operating cost is under control, turnover is low and we continue to grow, even in the face of these challenging economic times. That has been our story since 1990 and our success continues. In fact, 2008 will be our best year since inception.
The synergy we anticipated in our merger and ESOP strategy has materialized and is visible in our financial performance.
The truth is, we are successful because we are good at what we do. If you are already a Nearterm employee/owner or an existing Nearterm client, you know why we are so successful. If you are not, we urge you to talk with us.